Becki Owens x Surya Margaret Medium Gray Rug

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This exquisite Margaret area rug is the perfect addition to any home. The special collaboration piece from Becki Owens x Surya brings together beautiful vintage inspired style and modern craftsmanship. Handcrafted with luxurious polyester, this rug features stunning earth tones that are sure to ground any space and bring a sense of warmth and comfort. Not only is it made of durable materials and designed to handle high traffic, but it is also outdoor safe and features self tassels. Plus, with a rug pad, you can be sure that the Margaret area rug will last for years to come. To keep it looking like new, simply hose off with water and hang to dry. With its timeless design, this Margaret area rug is sure to be a centerpiece in your home for years to come.

Machine Woven
100 % Polyester
Medium Gray

Care Instructions

easy to vacuum / soap & water


no shedding

About This Rug

Rug Experts

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Caliber Homes / Joelle Elaine Design / Brooke Pavel photograph

since 2017

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We are picky about the rugs we recommend -- all Amethyst rugs have been vetted for color consistency, quality, and most importantly...livability!